Alcohol abuse manifests itself through a number of revealing behavioral traits. When alcohol is involved with one’s decision to drop their work responsibilities, stop attending school and negatively impact life at home, alcohol abuse is clearly at play. Alcohol abuse can be applied to drinking in dangerous situations, operating a vehicle while under the influence and such continued patterns despite the obvious impairment that’s already been caused by the act of drinking. Eventually, habitual alcohol abuse may lead to a substance disorder called alcohol dependence.
While certain behavioral traits raise clear red flags, various medical problems can reveal strong indications of continued alcohol abuse. In Alcohol abuse can manifest itself through sustained anxiety, abrasiveness and irritability, compromised judgment and inebriation. While each of these factors alone cannot be used as determinant for alcohol abuse, they’re relevant and often present when studying the behavioral profile of alcohol abuse.
The relationship between alcohol abuse and liver function is a much-talked about consequence and trait of such abuse. Cirrhosis is a liver condition than replaces liver tissue with harmful scar tissues and lumps formed by that regenerative damaged tissue; consequently, bodies lose their ability to process hormones correctly and naturally release toxins from essential liver functions. This condition often appears with chronic alcohol abusers who’ve developed significant liver problems as a result.
Statistical data for alcohol consumption show that 64% of Americans drink alcohol, 50% are regular drinkers and 23% of those regular drinkers consume more than five drinks per session, which could place them in the “risky drinking” category. That is, they could be at risk for developing an alcohol abuse problem. In 2010, alcohol was involved in 85,000 deaths, and 22,000 of that figure belonged to alcohol-related illnesses. Data provides that people struggling with alcohol abuse have a greater chance at recovery if they become involved in some form of treatment.
Because our treatment center relies on evidence based practices, our Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program shares many common methods with other successful rehab programs. The foundations of our treatment program for substance abuse also rely on the principles of harm reduction, motivational interviewing, stages of change and cognitive behavioral therapy to promote recovery from alcohol abuse and drug treatment. In fact, our Intensive Outpatient Program in Memphis, TN that has been proven to be effective in the treatment of alcohol abuse and drug treatment in peer reviewed treatment outcome studies. Our treatment center provides services to those who need more treatment than one hour a week, but less than 24 hour care, by providing three hours of treatment per day, three to five days per week, in an intensive outpatient setting. If you or a loved one is showing signs of alcohol abuse or needs drug treatment rehab, they should be assessed by a trained mental health professional who can help design a treatment plan that can result in recovery. Treatment for substance abuse can be highly successful. Call us at 901-682-6136 to schedule an appointment.
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