The standard definition for binge drinking is consuming at least four drinks at one occasion for a female and five drinks at one occasion for a male. This can include a 12 ounce glass of beer, a 5 ounce glass of wine, or a half ounce shot of alcohol. Binge drinking is extremely common in young adults.
While binge drinking is often associated with younger adults, it is not always the case. Binge drinking is really associated with all age levels. It occurs in every economic level, age, race and sex.
Not every binge drinker is an alcoholic and not every alcoholic is a binge drinker. It is important to understand the differences, though a binge drinker can become an alcoholic and an alcoholic can very well be a binge drinker.
Alcohol abusers are often drinking in order to forget something or to deal with stress or pain. Binge drinking is done typically to feel the effects of alcohol and revel in being drunk. Binge drinking is just as damaging as other forms of drinking and perhaps even more so, which means people need to be aware of the consequences. For example, binge drinking is often associated with traffic accidents, violent behavior, death and even suicide.
Binge drinking has become a problem throughout the United States and while many organizations are working on a solution, it starts with the individual. Our treatment center relies on evidence based practices and our Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program shares many common methods with other successful rehab programs. The foundations of our treatment program for substance abuse rely on the principles of harm reduction, motivational interviewing, stages of change and cognitive behavioral therapy to promote recovery from alcoholism treatment and drug treatment. In fact, our Intensive Outpatient Program in Memphis, TN that has been proven to be effective in the treatment of alcohol abuse and drug treatment in peer reviewed treatment outcome studies. Our treatment center provides services to those who need more treatment than one hour a week, but less than 24 hour care, by providing three hours of treatment per day, three to five days per week, in an intensive outpatient setting. If you or a loved one is showing signs of binge drinking or other forms of alcohol abuse or needs drug treatment rehab, they should be assessed by a trained mental health professional who can help design a treatment plan that can result in recovery. Substance abuse treatment can be highly successful. Call us at 901-682-6136 to schedule an appointment.
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